About us

With the website of I am a Monstar, we want to raise awareness of the fact society is often treating people with (rare) diseases as a strange outcast, not human and even worse, as a monster. People with a mental illness are seen as lunatics and are often feared by other people. People with unusual diseases that show itself on the outside, such as rash or deformations, are often stared at and excluded as if they are Frankenstein in person. However, you know - as a family member of a person suffering from a disease - that these people are also human beings,  just like us. They know happiness, they know sorrow, they know anger and they know fear. I am a Monstar wants to confirm your opinion that they need and deserve the love and care every person needs, and wants society to also become aware of that. Furthermore, I am a Monstar wants to show you you're not alone when it comes to living a difficult life, taking care and worrying about a loved one who suffers from a disease. By telling you the story of many others, you'll might find some recognition.

In addition to the website of I am a monstar, this blog enables the stars of our show to share their experiences with their disease and with the difficulties they face in life, not fully being accepted by society. Although we really wanted to let our stars tell their personal stories in a way that fitted their needs on the website, this blog fully completes their stories without the intervention of an outsider. The experiences that are shared on this blog are - in contrast with the website - not cut and edited. Furthermore, the stories on this blog are not based on a specific template (which the information and movies on the website are) and thus they fully represent the way the stars want to tell you about their lives.

In addition to the stories about the diseases the stars of the show suffer from, this blog also offers you insight into other, often rare and unaccepted diseases. It also shows how inhumane people suffering from a disease are and have been treated by society. This makes this blog also worthwhile to read in addition to viewing our website!

We hope to see you back soon!

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